
Stay on top of messages via voicemail-to-email routing.

Happy to capture unanswered calls using voicemail, but tired of having to retrieve messages or trying to keep track of who has called and why? Then have voicemail messages sent instantly to your email inbox!

Tired of having to retrieve voicemail messages or trying to keep track of who has called and why? Then have voicemail audio files sent instantly to your inbox!

Avoid vital voicemails being missed or erased.

Personalized greeting

Record your own voicemail greeting or have us record it for you, using your own customized script.

Instant audio files

No more retrieving voicemail! Any message left by a caller will be sent automatically as an email attachment.

24/7 or scheduling

You can activate voicemail-to-email automated messaging 24/7 or schedule it as needed.

Phone number options

Use your existing business number or a free local virtual number we provide. Or upgrade to a toll-free number.

Easy self-management

Update your settings, including the email addresses we send voicemail messages to, using our online portal.

Bundling options

You can include voicemail-to-email as an after-hours solution to Call Divert or a live call answering service.

Voicemails delivered to your inbox are less likely to be overlooked. They can also be accessed on different devices, stored for safekeeping and organized into folders, making for easy searchability. As such, voicemail-to-email can reduce response times, streamline workflows and enhance communications.

Voicemail-to-email plans.

Voicemail Lite


per month

Free local number (numbers available anywhere in America)

All messages sent by email included

Pay as you go

Excess minutes $0.10 per minute*

Month-to-month plan
(cancel any time)

Inquire now

* Plus relevant sales tax. Refer to Terms & Conditions.

How it works.

Our speedy setup means you can start receiving voicemail messages in your inbox within just a few minutes.

Choose your virtual number.

Decide whether you want your voicemail service associated with your current business number, a new local number or a toll-free number.

Record your voicemail greeting.

Choose whether to record your voicemail greeting yourself or provide a script to have us record a customized greeting for you.

Receive messages by email.

When someone leaves a voicemail, an audio file will be sent to a single or multiple email addresses (depending on your settings).

Frequently Asked Questions.

Voicemail is an electronic audio recording of a message left by a caller, commonly used on cell phones.  Our Voicemail-to-Email service enables voicemail messages to be sent to you by email.  This way no voicemail is ever unintentionally missed and you can save messages for as long as you need.

A voicemail message will be sent via email as a .wav file attachment immediately after someone leaves you a new voicemail.  To access, you simply need to open the email and double-click on the .wav file.  This will then play the voicemail message through your computer or cell phone audio.

Read more.

Yes. When signing up for a live call answering service, call diversion service or voicemail-to-email, you can choose an exclusive phone number with a local area code for free. Or, for an additional cost, you can upgrade to a toll-free number. You can either advertise this number directly or forward calls to it from your existing business number. Alternatively, you may wish to port an existing local or toll-free number from your current provider to AnsweringService.com.

"AnsweringService.com has been invaluable in freeing up internal resources so we can focus on helping our clients save time."
Derek Donovan, Dictation Direct

Find out more.

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