FAQs / Featured, Virtual Reception Services

How fast are calls answered?

Average Speed of Answer (ASA) is a key metric for any answering service and we proudly answer within 3 rings on average (less than 10 seconds), which is considerably faster than a typical call center.  This is achieved by using enterprise-grade software that enables seamless global call routing when required, such as during unforeseen peaks in call volumes.
Calls are always answered by AnsweringService.com’s team of US-based receptionists whenever possible during standard office hours, with overflow to highly-trained receptionists in the United Kingdom, Australia and Jamaica occurring after hours or when a call simply can’t be routed to any of our local receptionists within an acceptable timeframe because they’re already all handling calls.  This is advantageous for our clients as it minimizes the risk of call abandonment, with calls continuing to be answered as fast as possible even during the busiest of times.
Our US staffing levels are always based on projected call volumes and receptionists on our international teams who handle overflow calls are all equally skilled professionals held to the same excellent quality standards.
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